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Empowering Blogs & Videos

Why You Do What You Do
Why do people do what they do? Why do they think the way they do? Why do people overeat or overspend? Why do people yearn for love or crave

4 Steps to quickly get to your destiny
Regardless of your current status, career, bank account amount or spirituality, you have a destiny waiting for you to show up. I meet...

Incredible Testimonials
These testimonials are from people who attended Dr. Robert J. Watkins' Never Chase A Paycheck Again conference!

How To Come Out of Transition
Are you in transition? Dr. Robert J. Watkins leads the discussion on the 5 powerful stages of coming out of a transition. Watch, share...

Building A Team
Being surrounded by mediocrity frustrates creativity, prevents productivity and impedes progress. Moreover, stay-at-home technologies...

My Personal Story on Racism & Unity
I remember at age eight moving from an all-black neighborhood to across town to an all-white neighborhood. My dad received a job promotion a

How to Prosper Under Donald Trump Presidency
Where you like him or not, Donald Trump will be America's 45th President. Nevertheless, you still have a responsible to take care of your...

Now That Donald Trump Is Our Next President...
Many of us woke up in a new America. Many mourn, others rejoice. However, what should we do moving forward? Don't get too caught up in...

How To End Frustration
Most people are dealing with some type of frustration. Robert Watkins of Conquer Worldwide shows you how to put an end to it all!

Setting Yourself Up For A Miracle
Even though I teach a lot on planning, wealth-building and long-term thinking, I still believe in miracles. If you are going through...

Can The Bible Help With Financial Problems?
The Word of God has over 2,350 verses on how to handle money, possessions, investments, real estate and wealth but less than 500 verses...

Mind Your Own Business
"This should be your ambition: to live a quiet life, and to mind (do) your own business and to work with your own hands, as we command...

Starting Life Over
If you are in transition, how do you start over? What do you do when things are not working? How do you get life right...the second...
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