Setting Yourself Up For A Miracle

Even though I teach a lot on planning, wealth-building and long-term thinking, I still believe in miracles. If you are going through something today, let's discuss how to activate a divine miracle in your life.
A miracle is when God takes supernatural control over a situation, event or physical element that cannot be explained by human reasoning. Jesus performed 37 miracles in the Gospels. Some miracles were financial, others were physical, others were situational.
So how can you and I see more miracles in our businesses, ministries and personal lives? Here are three ways to put yourself in the best possible position:
Expect a miracle.
And because of their unbelief, he couldn't do any miracles among them...(Mark 6:5). Negative experiences can stop from expecting miracles. Your miracle is closer than you think...expect it.
Look for a unique miracle.
You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples (Psalms 77:14). Jesus never performed the same miracle twice. Your miracle will be special to your unique situation this week...look for it!
Soften your heart.
For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened (Mark 6:52). Matters of the heart such as unforgiveness, bitterness, jealousy, anger and worry will stop miracles from occurring...let it go.
Let me know in what area you need a miracle. God is still performing financial, physical, relational and situational miracles today. Let's believe God together for your miracle this week. I still believe in miracles, do you?
For the Kingdom,
Robert J. Watkins,
Conquer Worldwide