What You Should Be Doing Everyday to Succeed
Hundreds of Christians come to my office each year in search of investments, direction, and support for their ideas.
However, many people struggle with how they should spend their time while transitioning to next level. They ask, “what should I do Dr. Watkins?” Here are my top 6 recommendations of daily habits you should develop:
1. Spend at least 10 minutes praying - Prayer is dialoguing with God. God is ready to speak answers and solutions to your hear. But you must be in position to hear.

2. Remind yourself of your purpose – Keep your mind on you “why” throughout the day. Your “why” shouldn’t be money, status or sales. But God, family, results.
3. Tackle tough tasks first – To avoid the spirit of dread later in the day, do things that you dread the most first… the rest of your day will get lighter.
4. Find something to improve – Your goal should be experience measurable results, not just being busy. It is your responsibility to improve your systems, strategies, processes, people every day.
5. Engage someone new – Social media makes engaging people easy. But your success and blessing will come from people that God leads to you to engage in the natural.
6. Eat healthy and laugh out loud – Start seeing food as fuel you need to maximize your energy, not an event. And, hearing your laugh out loud will release healing endorphins over your life!