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Now That Donald Trump Is Our Next President...

Many of us woke up in a new America. Many mourn, others rejoice. However, what should we do moving forward?

Don't get too caught up in who is president. As Professor Devin writes, you must get comfortable with discomfort. And, by all means, shun famous religious clichés such as, "God is in control", "Have faith in your faith", "This is my season" or "Jehovah-Jireh will pay my bills." Let's not throw our problems on our religious sayings that have no real power. Instead, respond by walking by faith towards being the person God has called you to be...holy, giving, righteous and kind.

The election is over. Results are in. Crying, whining, complaining or pontificating does nothing now. Let's strategize.

What we need to do now are 3 main things:

  • Politically - Make sure you stay politically active in your local community. Visit with your local commissioner and counsel member. Cast a compelling vision for your neighborhood based on what's in YOUR heart. Then follow up in writing.

  • Economically - Learn business. Start a business. Employ your own family. Watch where you spend money. Become frugal. Invest in yourself. Empower your life by educating yourself here.

  • Socially - Talk to your young people about responsible behavior. Men must be more protecting of our women and children. Report crime. Visit the widows. Mentor the fatherless. Speak out on course behavior

And spiritually, fulfill everyday 1 Timothy 2:2 which declares, "pray for those who have authority, that you might lead a quiet and peaceful life."

Join me in praying for our next president, his family and the people of the United States.

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