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Important But Not Equal

Matthew 25:14-15“For it is as if a man, going on a journey, summoned his slaves and entrusted his property to them; to one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away.”

May I tell you a secret? We are all important, imperative to the Grand Design of Life… but we are not all the same... nor are we all equal. We are all important, but we are not all equal. We were each made to accomplish a specific task. Some of those tasks are more complicated and require greater skill than others.

Think of the CEO who runs a multi-faceted conglomerate and generates billions in revenues versus the sanitation professional who ensures each building is safe and clean for the employees to work in and produce exceptional ideas and services to generate the revenue.

The skills of both the CEO and the sanitation professional are important – because one without the other would not produce the optimal result (which is the billions in revenues). However, the CEO is tasked with ensuring the entire enterprise runs well – that enterprise includes every aspect of the organization AND the sanitation department. The sanitation professional’s responsibilities do not include that of running marketing, sales, advertising, accounting, finance, human resources, product placement, distribution, liability, insurance, etc… However, if the sanitation department did not do its job well, NONE of those areas would function to capacity. Hence, we are all important because we all need each other.


In the parable of the talents, the master gave five, two, and one talents to each of his servants according to his ability. His individual ability. His specific, God-given and recognized ability. The master understood that the first servant had the capacity to be a good steward over five talents and would make them grow. The master understood the same about the second servant: this servant had good abilities, but not as sharply tuned as the first, but with training and time and opportunity, he would possibly grow to the same level as the first. The third servant had potential – not as much as the first two, but still the capacity to produce and be fruitful was there – yet he chose to do nothing. It is about choice.


We have a choice to grow, a choice to expand, a choice to learn more, a choice to acquire more skills and knowledge to BECOME as talented and capable as the first servant. In an orchestra, the first chair is the most coveted – it takes time to earn that seat. In business, it takes time to rise to CEO – it takes learning the business inside and out, meeting new people, learning new things, and making new relationships to grow the business (unless it is a family owned company, but even then, the smart business owner is focused on legacy and would demand these qualities - even from family).

The talents in Matthew 25 refer to more than physical coins, but to the abilities placed in each of us. Some of us have multiple talents, and others have one. But however many talents God has placed in us, it is imperative that we use them. We should take calculated risks seeking greater rewards. We should work with people outside of our warm circle. We should expand our businesses outside of the Bible Belt. We should seek to use all that we have in us to the ultimate edification of the Father. Boldly. Strongly. Wisely. Without reservation.

Whether you have 5, 2, or 1 talents, get ready to LIFT OFF for the Glory of God!

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